- Details
- Category: Ethiopia
If you are interested in any aspect of cooking with sunlight don't miss to check the most complete collection on solar cooking: www.solarcooking.org the solar cooking archive or the solar-cooking wicky www.solarcooking.wikia.com.
other interesting start-points for information are:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cooker (Wickipedia with many links at the bottom)
http://www.terra.org/cocinas/searchen.php?fam=1 (description and plans of different Cooker types)
http://www.solarcookingatlas.com/index.php (construction plans in french)
If you are interested in the roots of the AMSI-Solar-Cooker check the following site (German language):
If you are interseted how to cool food and freeze water using the AMSI-Solar-Cooker check here:
- www.zeo-tech.de (Click on Solar Cooling)
If you are interested in further Information about Ethiopia and the region around Arba Minch follow these links:
- http://www.deutsch-aethiopischer-verein.de/what_is_gea.htm (German -Ethiopian Assosiation)
- http://www.ethemb.se/ee_eth_links.html (links provided by the Ethiopian Embassy in Sweden
- http://www.amu.edu.et Homepage of the Arba Minch University
- http://www.africa.upenn.edu/Cookbook/Ethiopia.html (Ethiopian food: receipes)
If you are interested in other projects, supporting Solar aktivities in Ethiopia:
http://sahay-solar.tumblr.com/ (suporting Solar panels at the University of Arba Minch)
The low risc of eye injuries caused by looking into sunlight for a short time is discussed here: