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The AMSI-cooker has some improvements to the tested cooker model:

  • the welded stand of the cooker is very rigid, so uneven ground is no problem for the stability and the adjustment of the cooker. The cooker may even moved and carryied with a full pot on the cooker.
  • The reflector material is no covered with a special solar-varnish which protects the mirror against corrosion and soft scratching
  • Transport of the cooker has been optimized, as the mirror-part may be easily disconnected from the stand and both parts fit know through small doors to allow for indoor storage.

additional experiences with the AMSI-Cooker in Ethiopia:

Usable Energy: 
 About 600 to 800 Watts (in Ethiopia)
Maximum Temperature: 
 About 200 °C,
dark paper is set to fire immediately, white paper after some time
Time needed to boil water: 
 1 l of water in the traditional clay-pot (jabenna) boils in 8 to 10 minutes
 About 50 liters water can be boiled per day in a 10 liter black pot
Overall cooker size:
Focal distance:
Diameter of the mirror:

   80 cm / 160 cm / 160 cm
   27 cm (from the depth of the mirror to focal-point)
 140 cm (1,54 m²)

 about 34 kg


Here you may download a powerpoint-presentation containing more technical data measured with an AMSI-type cooker

Arba Minch is a very good place to harvest the energy from the sun The insolation is 4.6 to 6.3 [kWh/m²/d]
Here you may find the solar-data about Arba Minch.

This is great compared to my plce here in Stuttgart/Europe with 0.7 to 4.1 [kWh/m²/d]
Here you may find the solar-data about Stuttgart.