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All you need to make an AMSI solar-cooker

First you need some enthusiasm to start with: Why should you build exactly this type of solar cooker? (see the discussion about different cooker types)
And then there are some materials, tools and manual skills you need to have to build your own AMSI-parabolic-Solar-cooker.
(What is a parabolic-Solar-Cooker?)

The AMSI-cooker is a parabolic cooker of the same size and type as the SK14-solar-cooker, but with a modified construction of the support for the mirror and stand.  These modifications don't change or improve the overall functionality or effektivness of the Sk14-cooker develloped by EG-SOLAR, which is already very very good,  but the choosen support-construction for the mirror an especially the way to build the cooker has many advantages to the construction proposed by EG-SOLAR:

Of cause there are as well some disadvantages compared to the original EG-Solar cooker:

So which tools do I need?

And what material do I need?

(A more detailed material list can be found in the AMSI-handout)



The exact type of mirror sheets as used for the AMSI-cooker is no longer available for sale, but there is an replacement for it available from sun&ice "solar cooker SK14" with can be used as well.

This set is a further devellopment of the former type, as the mirror set may now as well be srewed together for better precision in shape.  When using the screws, then the two inner rings of the mirror-cage of the AMSI-Cooker are obsolete as they are no longer needed to mount the mirror in perfect parabolic shape. And four of the of the six connection-bars may be now just short straight bars to connect the two largest rings while the remaining two should be connected to the pot-holder, although this may take some stability and proction to the mirror.

This set of mirror sheets may be ordered from:

Sun and Ice GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 1
D-84558 Kirchweidach
Fon +49 (0) 8623/ 36 498 22
Fax +49 (0) 8623/ 36 498 24
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Order-No.: 110-0006